Fleming College Course List: Fleming College, in any case called the Sir Sanford Fleming College, was developed in 1967. It is an open association which was named after Sanford Fleming who was a remarkable originator and pioneer. He is renowned for the responsibilities he made to the possibility of Universal Standard Time. The association is connected with the Canadian Collegiate Athlete Association, ACCC, and Peterborough Centennial Museum and Archives. The foundation introduced the College of Applied Arts and Technology in 1965. The school is managed and directed by the official staff and a Board of Governors. Fleming College is known to be in relationship with Trent University.

Fleming College Course List: The foundation contains four grounds, specifically Sutherland grounds, Cobourg grounds, Haliburton grounds, and the Frost grounds. Sutherland grounds is the principal grounds which is arranged in Canada. The housing workplaces at this grounds began in 2002 and in 2003, an advancement wing was introduced. It altogether incorporates sports workplaces and phony turf fields. Moreover, the grounds is home to the outstanding Kawartha Trade and Technology Center. It was opened in 2014.The grounds gives all the workplaces required by the understudies. It is close bistros, bistros, departmental stores, and researcher shops. Understudies face no weight at the grounds. The open development is successfully accessible from the foundation. The structure of the grounds is known to be all around kept up and sifted through by the organization experts of the establishment. After 2000, the establishment decided to stretch out its grounds district because of the growing number of enrolments.


Sr NoProgram
 Peterborough Campus
1Graduate Certificate – Supply Chain Management – Global Logistics (SCL)
2Graduate Certificate – Cultural Heritage Conservation and Management (CHM)
3Graduate Certificate – Global Business Management (GBS)
4Graduate Certificate – International Business Management (IBM)
Sr NoProgram
 Lindsay Campus
1Graduate Certificate – Advanced Water Systems Operations and Management (AWS) (Co-op)
2Graduate Certificate – Applied Planning – Environmental (AEN)
3Graduate Certificate – Aquaculture (AQU) (Co-op)
4Graduate Certificate – Geographic Information Systems – Applications Specialist (GIA)
5Graduate Certificate – Geographic Information Systems – Cartographic Specialist (GC)
6Graduate Certificate – Sustainable Waste Management (SWM)
Sr NoProgram
 Peterborough Campus
1College Diploma – Accounting (BAC)
2Advanced College Diploma – Biotechnology – Advanced – Accelerated (BTF)
3College Diploma – Business (GBE)
4College Diploma – Business – Human Resources (BHC)
5Advanced College Diploma – Business Administration (BAD)
6College Diploma – Carpentry and Renovation Technician (CPT)
7College Certificate – Carpentry and Renovation Techniques (CNS)
8Advanced College Diploma – Child and Youth Care (CYW)
9College Diploma – Esthetician (EST)
10College Diploma – Community and Justice Services (CJS)
11Advanced College Diploma – Computer Engineering Technology (CTY)
12College Diploma – Construction Engineering Technician (CET)
13College Diploma – Culinary Management (CM/CMW)
14College Certificate – Culinary Skills (CHT)
15College Diploma – Developmental Services Worker (DSW)
16College Diploma – Early Childhood Education (EC)
17College Diploma – Educational Support (ED)
18College Diploma – Electrical Engineering Technician (EE)
19College Certificate – Electrical Techniques (ETQ)
20College Diploma – Fitness and Health Promotion (FHP)
21College Diploma – Health Information Management (HIM)
22College Diploma – Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning (HVT)
23College Diploma – Hospitality – Hotel and Restaurant Operations (HTR/HRW)
24College Diploma – Instrumentation and Control Engineering Technician (INT) (Optional Co-op)
25College Diploma – Law Clerk (LCK)
26Advanced College Diploma – Massage Therapy (MAC)
27College Diploma – Mental Health and Addiction Worker (DA)
28College Diploma – Office Administration – Executive – Fast Track (OAE)
29College Diploma – Paralegal (PLG)
30College Certificate – Personal Support Worker (PWS)
31College Diploma – Pharmacy Technician (PHM)
Sr NoProgram
 Lindsay Campus
1College Certificate – Blasting Techniques (SBL)
2College Diploma – Earth Resources Technician (ERT) (Co-op)
3College Diploma – Ecosystem Management Technician (EMT)
4College Diploma – Environmental Technician (ETN) (Optional Co-op)
5College Diploma – Forestry Technician (FT) (Optional Co-op)
6College Diploma – Outdoor and Adventure Education (ODE)
7College Diploma – Resources Drilling Technician (RDB) (Optional Co-op)
8College Certificate – Urban Forestry (UF)
9College Diploma – Urban Forestry Technician (UFT) (Co-op)

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Fleming College Course List